MATLAB: Set date limits into x-axis

date limits

Hi everyone,
I have created several plots into a single figure, but the problem is that the x-axis (dates) are not consistent with my data, so there are gaps between the beginning of the a-axis and the graphs' line and the end of graphs' line and the end of the x-axis. I applied the following code:
% I want to create the x-axis, that is the dates (432x1), ie. starting from 1979:01 to 2014:12
DateNumber = datenum(1979,1:432,1);
date = datestr(DateNumber,formatOut);
% then I want to print the information in every y(:,i) into a graph by including the dates I created before.
% If y is a matrix 432x27, from 1979:01 to 2014:12, I just want to create the graph with this information
y = randn(432,27);
xlength = 0.30;
ylength = 0.10;
xstart = [0.05 0.39 0.73];
ystart = [0.02 0.13 0.24 0.35 0.46 0.57 0.68 0.79 0.90];
hold on
for iy=1:9
for ix = 1:3
ind = ix + 3*(iy-1);
coordinates = [xstart(ix) ystart(9-iy+1) xlength ylength];
I would appreciate any help.Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

MATLAB graphics underwent a major upgrade a few releases back, so it's hard to know exactly what your figure looks like without knowing what release you're on, or better yet seeing an example and a clear description of what you are trying to get. So I'm not sure what problem you are running into. As Adam says, I think maybe the root cause is that you have a bunch of small plots, with not enough room to properly label the time axis.
If you have access to R2016b, this makes a pretty nice plot of your data, see attached:
time = datetime(1979,1:432,1);
y = randn(432,27);
tt = array2timetable(y,'RowTimes',time)
ttplot is on the File Exchange. If you're using something between R2014b and R2016a, you can still do that using a table (rather than a timetable), it's just not quite as immediate.
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