MATLAB: Set Arduino IDE path

arduinohardware support package

I just installed the hardware support package for Arduino, but it doesn't work. I think that the problem is that the package cannot find my installation of Arduino IDE. When I run the command arduinoio.ideroot I get the string 'arduino-1.8.1', which is not even close to the actual path of my Arduino IDE (i.e. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino')
Do you know how can I set the path properly? Thanks!

Best Answer

To set your expectations correctly, MATLAB Support package attempts to install its own Arduino IDE which is 1.8.1 and that is the one it is supposed to find when you type arduinoio.IDERoot.
If the output is just arduino1.8.2, there could be an installation issue. Can you try uninstalling the support package and reinstalling them with administrator access. You can do that by right clicking on MATLAB icon and selecting Run as administrator.
After this you can check again with the same command and the default location is inside C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\Supportpackages\<Release>\3P.instrset\arduinoide.instrset\arduino-1.8.1
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