MATLAB: Sequence to Sequence Classification with Deep Learning CNN+LSTM

cnnlstmneural networksrnnsequence-classification

I was looking through the possible implementation of sequence classification using deep-learning.
There are pllenty of example of LSTM/BILSTM implementations
and 1D-Convolutional implementations of the problem.
My question is there is a way to combine the two solutions?
If for the first one the building of the net seems pretty immediate by stacking series of custom layers:
layers = [
The convolution implementation seems indeed more complex, as it directly defines the various computational blocks.
Can i use a pre-defined convolution2Dlayer in the layers structure like in A) or do i have to go deeply in coding as described in B)?

Best Answer

I think you can use the convolution2Dlayer with appropriate input arguments but make sure you use the sequenceFoldingLayer, sequenceUnfoldingLayer wherever necessary. Also refer to List of Deep Learning Layers.