MATLAB: Seperate column into more columns: 90740×1 double array into 1511×64 something array

new data

i have a set of data 90740×1 double. meaning:
what i really want this to do is make a new matrix where i read every 1511 data from this row into a new row. example:
so from 1 to 1511 in column 1 in the new matrix…and from 1511 to 3023 into column 2 in the new matrix etc. etc.
i made a code, it only works for the first 1511 data but after that it displays an error about dimension.
n = 1; for i=1:length(kwh) kunder(:,1) = kwh(1:n:1511); end
so when u put: kunder(:,1) = kwh(1511:n:3023); under the first kunder it displays dimension error…
please help me figure this i want to plot the 24 hour kwh usage data of customers consumption of electricity.
thank you

Best Answer

Your code is erroring because of mismatched dimensions; when n = 2, 1:n:1511 expands to [1 3 5 ... 1511], which is only 756 elements in length. What you wanted was [1:1511]+1511*(n-1). But it would be more straighforward just using reshape.
x = rand(90740,1);
nrow = 1511;
ncol = ceil(length(x)/nrow);
x = [x; nan(ncol*nrow-length(x),1)];
x = reshape(x,nrow,ncol);
Note that you need to pad with NaNs or 0s or whatever is appropriate, since your number of elements isn't evenly divisible by 1511.