MATLAB: Separating values in cell arrays

datadata manipulation

Suppose, one of the my columns in my excel data as follows:
'G1(f1) : Resulting Value = 0.5'
'G1(f2) : Resulting Value = 1'
'G1(f3) : Resulting Value = 1.5'
'G1(f4) : Resulting Value = 2'
'G1(f8) : Resulting Value = 4'
I'd like to separate the values that 0.5, 1 … 4 as double!
I have tried the code below:
[num, txt] = xlsread('S:/PLOT/PLOT.xlsx', 'B4:B43');
uplim=plotdata(2,2); %this cell gives number of 'Resulting Value's
for i=4:uplim+4-1
[dummy(k), txt(k)] = strtok(txt(k), '=');
mylist(k)=strtok(txt(k),'= ');
This code gives "mylist" as 1×8 cell!
THE PROBLEM is that I can not use "mylist" for arithmetic operations. How can I turn "mylist" from cell to a matrix or a vector that I can use for arithmetic operations.
Or I'm open to new codes to separate the values that 0.5, 1 … 4 as double!

Best Answer

[num, txt] = xlsread('mydata.xlsx', 'B4:B11');
mylist = cellfun(@(x) str2double(regexp(x,'(\d*\.?\d*)$','match')),txt);