MATLAB: Separating a vector into two different vectors


Hello everyone, I need helping with sorting elements within a column vector. Let's say for example I had a column vector consisting of 100 elements but I wanted to separate them into two different vectors. The first vector would have every other 10 elements. So it would have the first 10 elements, skip the next 10, and then have the 10 after into it. The second vector I would want to make would contain every other element that was not sorted into the first one so elements 11-20 and so on. Would appreciate some guidance on where to start. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

your_vector = (1:100)';
A = reshape(your_vector,10,[]);
B1 = reshape(A(:,1:2:end),[],1)
B2 = reshape(A(:,2:2:end),[],1)