MATLAB: Separately license additional toolboxes


My institution has a Concurrent Academic license which provides us with Matlab and a certain bundle of toolboxes. I would now like to add a toolbox that is not part of the institution-wide bundle. I would like to purchase this additional toolbox under a standalone license that I would personally administrate and install. Is it possible to add my own separately licensed toolbox to a pre-existing Matlab installation in some manner, assuming the versions are compatible?

Best Answer

Yes. I've done this for a long time.
If you look at this document, you'll find that there are many ways to specify the license file.
web(fullfile(docroot, 'install/ug/understanding-license-files.html'))
Since your licenses are not overlapping, the easiest way is to put your StandAlone.lic and Network.lic in the \licenses folder. But in fact, you don't need to do this low-level management anymore. Just go to MATLAB, Help, Licensing, Activate Software
But of couse, you need to install that Toolbox first on your local machine. These days most likely you are going to purchase, manage your toolbox/license online with your Mathworks account. So just download the insatllation file for that Toolbox, installed it on your insitutional MATLAB, activate it with that standalone license number.