MATLAB: Separate data from file

datasource ip

I attached data file. data is in format of
source _ip:source_port->destination_ip:destination_port
I want to take out only source_ip data from that, how to do.

Best Answer

load('n0 1.mat') ;
s = VarName6 ;
idx = strfind(s, ':');
idx = cell2mat(idx) ;
idx = idx(:,1)-1 ;
iwant = cellfun(@(x,idx) x(1:idx),s,num2cell(idx), 'UniformOutput', false) ;
load('n0 1.mat') ;
s = VarName6 ;
s1 = regexp(s,':','split') ;
iwant = cellfun(@(x) x{1}(:)',s1, 'UniformOutput', false) ;