MATLAB: Sendolmail a cell array

cell arrayMATLABsendmailsendolmail

Does anyone know how to send a variable (cell array) using sendolmail(outlook version of sendmail) or sendmail?
So in the email body, receivers could get
'Security' 'Name' 'Quantity' 'Price'
'F2TEZ3-13' 'Fr Tel div DEC3' [ 2000] [ 0.8800]
'SNDZ2-13' 'NIKKEI DIV DEC12' [ 500] [ 188.3000]
'T2QIZ2-12' 'Tel Itl div DEC2' [ -1000] [ 0.0500]
'R2WEZ2-12' 'RWE div DEC2' [ 150] [ 2.0060]
'FEXDZ3-13' 'ESTX 50 Div DEC3' [ 1412] [ 105.8000]
'FEXDZ2-12' 'ESTX 50 Div DEC2' [ 250] [ 117.8000]
'E2NLZ2-12' 'ENEL div DEC2' [ -1100] [ 0.1500]
'S2SDZ2-12' 'Santand div DEC2' [ 3510] [ 0.5400]
'FEXD1000X3.EX-13' 'OEXD DEC3 100 P' [ 1400] [ 5.8600]
'B2NPZ2-12' 'BNP Par div DEC2' [ -325] [ 1.2000]
Thanks in advance !

Best Answer

You would have to serialize the cell array and send it as an attachment.
Unfortunately the MATLAB serialization routines have no user interface, so you end up having to write your own serialization routines.
Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to save the cell array as a .mat file and attach the .mat file.