MATLAB: Semilog x axis for Scatter Plot


Hi, I am trying to plot points, with the x-axis in log scale.
This is my code
ss0 = readtable('MedianBeta.xlsx')
x = ss0{:,2}
y1= ss0{:,3}
y2= ss0{:,4}
y3= ss0{:,5}
y4= ss0{:,6}
hold on
%hold on

%hold on
%hold on
title('Median and Catch')
It seems simple enough. However, the plot I get is not the logarithmic, with 10^0, 10^1, etc…, that I was looking for (Yet, when I reverse it and set y-axis as log, it does go with the traditional scale of 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, etc. It is just not doing it with the x-axis)
Also, there becomes a point at 0 on the x axis, which is inaccurate. There are no zero values for Median.
Something is off. I'd appreciate any help.
Thank you

Best Answer

The plot is working correctly. To more easily see that it is, add this xlim call (temporarily):
xlim([0.01 10]*1E+5)