MATLAB: Self-written function does not work when changing input names


I wrote a function shown below. When I want to enter my input (xnew,ynew) instead of (x,y) , this function would not work. I understand the reason (because my code specifies (x,y)), but do not know how to fix it. Please help. Thank you!
function rline(x,y)
% rline(x,y)
line(x, y, 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--', 'LineWidth', 2)

Best Answer

Have you defined xnew and ynew before calling the function rline(). The name of input to the function at the definition and calling time does need to be same. Try this
xnew = 1:10;
ynew = xnew.^2;
rline(xnew, ynew);