MATLAB: Selective/partial unistall of Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler for mexFunction

mexmexfunctionmicrosoft visual studio visual c++ compilervc folder

To use mex with Visual C++ compiler, I have installed the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and set the environment VS80COMNTOOLS as the actual path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools
it seems that matlab only use a VC folder from Visual Studio: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC
Because Visual Studio takes too much space on my poor C drive, I am considering the possibility to have a backup of this VC folder only, and then uninstall Studio Visual, then place the VC folder back. Will this still support the C++ compilder for mex?

Best Answer

Solved. The VC folder was necessary and sufcient for C compiler for mtlab.
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