MATLAB: Select values on x axis corresponding to a y axis value

extract data

Hi Everyone, I am trying to make a fit for the linear portion of the graph using MATLAB code, but I am stuck at this point.
I am trying to extract the value of x axis where the 10% line is made as shown in figure below. and extract x axis data where the 90% line is made. and that is defined by the variable parameter. Any help would be appreciated.
Screen Shot 2019-03-12 at 2.12.28 PM.png

Best Answer

Let's say that your curve is described by the vectors x and y (I imagine that you obtain that curve via plot(x,y)).
Then you can find the maximum of the curve as:
y_max = max(y);
You can then pick the indices of the points corresponding to 10% and 90% of the maximum as:
idx_y10 = find(y == 0.1*y_max);
idx_y90 = find(y == 0.9*y_max);
The values that you are searching on the x axis will be:
x_10 = x(idx_y10);
x_90 = x(idx_y90);
I did not try it, enjoy!