MATLAB: Select specific elements in a cell


Hello, this is a very frustrating problem for me
I am using a loop that reads text lines from a data file using fgetl , such a line could look like this (there are many lines):
60 233 24 53 26 53 234 32
And could continue forever. I am trying to create a vector of every 1st value and a separate vector for every 2nd value, which is possible, but the following elements come in pairs . To illustrate:
aline = a b e f e f e f e f e f e f e f ...
anotherline = a b e f e f e f e f e f e f ...
so on ...
I am trying to make a cell for the e and a separate cell for f values, but cannot 'select' them in order to do so. How can you do this? I have tried playing with rem(1:len,2) == 1 (len = length of vector) to select every "odd" or "even" number, but it doesn't work as u want it to, as you cannot do the following.
x = rem(1:25,2) == 0;
What am i missing?

Best Answer

Instead of reading the file line-by-line and "growing" the arrays incrementally, try something like