MATLAB: Select first letter in multiple words


I want to select the first letter in every word in a string statement.
Input: 'Are you going to see the new ABC series season premiere tonight?'
Output: r y gng t s th nw BC srs ssn prmr tnght?
I'm using the following, how do I include the caps?
function output= remvow(x)
for k = 1:5
x(x == vow(k)) = [];

Best Answer

vow = 'AEIOUaeiou';
x(ismember(x, vow)) = [];
But this does not have anything to do with removing the first letter of every word. It also does not deal with the case where 'y' is acting as a vowel, or the more subtle cases where 'l', 'm', 'n', 'r', or 'w' act as vowels in English.