MATLAB: Select a group gpu’s that are discontinuous in gpuDevice

select multiple discontinuous gpu's

On a 4 GPU machine I get the following output (truncated) from gpuDevice().
1. Titan V
2. GTX970
3. Titan V
4. Titan V
I want to use gpu's 1, 3, 4 in a multi-gpu pool. The problem is, the GTX970 is driving the display as a WDDM device and so cannot be set to 'prohibited' in nvidia-smi. Leaving it in the pool hugely reduces the batch size maximum and slows the system to a crawl.
How do I go about creating a pool that includes only gpu's 1,3,4 and not 2?
I've seen this answer (, but I cannot figure out how to adapt it to my situation.

Best Answer

There are two ways:
The best way is to set environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to 0,2,3 before you start MATLAB, or as the first thing you do when you start MATLAB:
setenv('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', '0,2,3');
The second best way is to start a pool of 3 workers before you start training, and set the device manually:
if labindex == 1
A third way is to use your GTX970, but reduce the amount of work it has to do during training using the 'WorkerLoad' training option:
trainingOptions(..., 'WorkerLoad', [1, 0.1, 1, 1]);
The above will set the second worker to have a tenth of the data of the other workers. Note that this will not necessarily result in faster training than removing your 970 from the pool altogether. You'd have to experiment.