MATLAB: Segmentation fault when printing images with transparency and -nodisplay option


I'm running MATLAB 2012a on Linux's command line with -nodisplay option. When I run my code I get a segmentation fault. The following piece of code reproduce my error. The error is produced when the plot has transparencies. If I comment out this line put alpha(h2,0.5);, it works fine.
filename ='mypng.png';
Image1 = imread('peppers.png');
Image2 = ones(row,col);
hold on
axis off;
The result is: Segmentation fault (core dumped).
Any idea how to fix this problem?

Best Answer

I'm answering my own question, just in case someone else run into this problem (although it's improbable). The purpose of running matlab in terminal with -nodisplay option is because I work on a headless server.
The use of -nodesktop instead of -nodisplay does the trick.