MATLAB: Segmentation fault when calling LAPACK routine in Fortran mex file

fortranlapackMATLABmexsegmentation faultsegmentation violation

I am trying to call the LAPACK routine dgtsv in a Fortran mex function in MATLAB2012b on 64-bit Linux. Calling the function always returns a segmentation fault.
I have reduced it to a minimal test case, shown below, by adding a call to dgtsv inside the mex file timestwo.F (an example mex file that comes with MATLAB). I know the problem is not with the mex gateway function or interface with MATLAB, since the example mex file timestwo.F runs fine when I comment out the call to dgtsv.
Further, the subroutine timestwo runs just fine when I call it from a Fortran program outside MATLAB.
mex -g -largeArrayDims timestwo.F -lmwlapack -lmwblas -o timestwo.mexa64
mex-file (timestwo.F):
#include "fintrf.h"
#if 0
C timestwo.F
C .F file needs to be preprocessed to generate .for equivalent
C timestwo.f
C Computational function that takes a scalar and doubles it.
C This is a MEX-file for MATLAB.
C Copyright 1984-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.
C $Revision: $
C Gateway routine
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)
C Declarations
implicit none
C mexFunction arguments:
mwPointer plhs(*), prhs(*)
integer nlhs, nrhs
C Function declarations:
mwPointer mxGetPr
mwPointer mxCreateDoubleMatrix
integer mxIsNumeric
mwPointer mxGetM, mxGetN
C Pointers to input/output mxArrays:
mwPointer x_ptr, y_ptr
C Array information:
mwPointer mrows, ncols
mwSize size
C Arguments for computational routine:
real*8 x_input, y_output
C Check for proper number of arguments.
if(nrhs .ne. 1) then
call mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ('MATLAB:timestwo:nInput',
+ 'One input required.')
elseif(nlhs .gt. 1) then
call mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ('MATLAB:timestwo:nOutput',
+ 'Too many output arguments.')
C Validate inputs
C Check that the input is a number.
if(mxIsNumeric(prhs(1)) .eq. 0) then
call mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ('MATLAB:timestwo:NonNumeric',
+ 'Input must be a number.')
C Get the size of the input array.
mrows = mxGetM(prhs(1))
ncols = mxGetN(prhs(1))
size = mrows*ncols
C Create Fortran array from the input argument.
x_ptr = mxGetPr(prhs(1))
call mxCopyPtrToReal8(x_ptr,x_input,size)
C Create matrix for the return argument.
plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows,ncols,0)
y_ptr = mxGetPr(plhs(1))
C Call the computational subroutine.
call timestwo(y_output, x_input)
C Load the data into y_ptr, which is the output to MATLAB.
call mxCopyReal8ToPtr(y_output,y_ptr,size)
C Computational routine
subroutine timestwo(y_output, x_input)
real*8 x_input, y_output
integer*4 :: n, info, nrhs, ldb
double precision, dimension(10) :: d, b
double precision, dimension(9) :: dl, du
n = 10
nrhs = 1
ldb = 10
d = 1.
dl = 0.
du = 0.
b = 5.
call dgtsv (n, nrhs, dl, d, du, b, ldb, info)
y_output = 2.0 * x_input

Best Answer

Since you are using -largeArrayDims and on a 64-bit system, you may need to make sure the integers you are psssing to dgtsv are 8-bytes each. Try this instead:
integer*8 :: n, info, nrhs, ldb
Or use the type mwSignedIndex instead of integer*8, which should work regardless of machine or installation.
Side Note: The timestwo.F routine itself only works for scalar inputs, even though the code looks like it should work for arrays, because x_input and y_output are only scalars.