image segmentation

hi am doing project in automatic volume measurement of urinary bladder using ultrasound images using image processing . am trying out segmentation but i have a problem that my background and my region of interest are in same color. pls give me some idea n sample code get my roi alone automatically. sample image is in link <,r:0,s:0&biw=1280&bih=832> my roi is center black region.pls any one help me..

Best Answer

  1. Threshold for bright stuff
  2. call imfill
  3. retain the largest blob - that will be your mask.
  4. multiply your mask by the image to get rid of the annotation.
  5. threshold for the dark stuff - it will be arbitrary where you want to define the edges of the bladder.
  6. call bwlabel
  7. call regionprops
  8. sort the measurements by area
  9. the measurements of the largest blob will be your bladder measurements.