MATLAB: Can I see the values that at the slider

guiMATLABmatlab guisliderslider valuestringstring type

Can I see or can I get the values that at the slider ?
You can see the slider tabs and I need to see the values at the slider. For instance, the value of the top is 0.75, and I need to see 0,75 at the gui panel. Can you help me?
Thank you

Best Answer

You can access the slider value from the handle to the slider. I don't know if you're using 'guide' or 'appdesigner' (or neither) but you'll use the same method either way. Here's a demo
fig = uifigure;
h = uislider(fig);
% h is the handel to your slider
sliderValue = h.Value;
If you want to display that on your GUI you'll need to add a static text box that displays the value.
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