MATLAB: Do I see I/O errors when installing MATLAB using the ISO image


I downloaded the MATLAB ISO, but when I use it to perform an installation why do I see one or more Input/Output errors, causing the installation to fail?

Best Answer

First, check to make sure that there is enough space available on the destination drive, and that you have permission to write to the installation folder that was specified in the installer setup. If you are on Windows, you should install MATLAB from an account with administrator permissions. On Linux, you should install MATLAB using sudo or root permissions.
The ISO file may have been corrupted during the download process. A number of factors can contribute to this, such as: an unreliable internet connection, your computer going into 'Sleep' mode or power saving mode during the download, or an antivirus or cyber-security software interfering with the download.
On Linux systems, make sure that you have used the correct command to mount the ISO:
mount -t iso9660 -o loop R2014a_UNIX.iso /mnt
If you are experiencing input/output errors, we recommend checking the ISO file size and md5 checksum to make sure the ISO is completely downloaded, and not corrupted.  You can find the MD5 checksum by clicking on the (Show/Hide MD5 checksum) link near the top of the ISO download page in your MathWorks account.
On Linux systems, you can verify the checksum of the ISO file that you downloaded by using the md5 command in the terminal:
md5sum R2014a_UNIX.iso
On Mac systems, you can verify the checksum of the ISO file that you downloaded by using the md5 command in the terminal:
md5 R2014a_UNIX.iso
Windows does not have an MD5 checksum utility by default, but one can be accessed at the following Microsoft Support Article:
(Please note this utility is not available for all Windows platforms)
If the file size and checksum of your ISO are correct, and you are still experiencing I/O errors, please contact MathWorks support for assistance.