MATLAB: Search rows of a matrix on another

datafindmatrixrow searchsearchunique elements

I have two matricies. The first, A, is large (1968×100 double) and the second, T, is smaller (1968×1). In matrix A, each row contains unique elements corresponding to the smaller matrix. For example, A(1,:) = 6 2 3 53….. (up until 100 columns). What I need to do is search in T for the corresponding ROWS and extract their numeric value. So for this example, I need to search in T for the 6th, 2nd, 3rd, 53rd rows and extract their values.
I hope this is clear !!! Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

There is no search involved. It's simple matrix indexing:
A = [2 3 5;
1 2 4;
7 8 10];
T = [200; 500; 750; 204; 567; 123; 456; 789; 987; 654; 321];
newA = A; newA(A == 0) = 1; %to cope with zeros
values = T(newA); %that's it!
values(A == 0) = 0 %assuming that you want 0 for A == 0
Note that the shape of T is irrelevant as long as A is a matrix. T can be a column or row vector (or even a matrix).
edited to cope with 0s in A