MATLAB: Search for 3d radon funktion

MATLABradon iradon 3d

Hello everybody,
I am looking for a 3d able radon (iradon) function. I had a look via google and the matlabcentral search function, but I didnĀ“t find anything suitable.
Or, if possible, could sombody explain how to enhance the build in radon function for 3 dimensions ?
Thank You very much

Best Answer

OK, this brings back memories. Nothing ready packed leaps to mind, the 3-D extension of the Radon-transform is as far as I remember a bit complicated. What I learnt was in a paper by P Grangeat. He seems to have written books and more papers about this topic since then:
Grangeat, Pierre. "Mathematical framework of cone beam 3D reconstruction via the first derivative of the Radon transform." Mathematical methods in tomography. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991. 66-97.
Grangeat, Pierre, and Jean-Louis Amans, eds. Three-dimensional image reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Not what you hoped to get but it might be a first few steps...
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