MATLAB: Search Excel spreadsheet for specific value

MATLABmatlab excel

Hi, I'm looking to create a program that will search through an excel spreadsheet in the first column to find a specific value. Once that value is found, import the entire row, and break down each item in that row to assign it to a variable. For example:
If I excel file looks like this:
375 10 6745 6.898
380 11 6890 7.001
390 12 7001 7.102
and T=380, I need Matlab to search for the row where the first column is equal to T. Once the row is imported, assign P=11, h=6890, and s=7.001
I'm just not sure how to do this with Matlab. I've looked around and found xlsread('filename') to actually read the spreadsheet, but I don't know how to pull the row and break it apart. Please, any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Something like this?
%read your sheet
X = xlsread('my-excel-sheet.xlsx');
%the value your looking for
T = 380;
%get entire row where first column value = T
V = X(X(:,1) == T,:);
%your other values assigned here
P = V(2);
h = V(3);
s = V(4);