MATLAB: SDF toolbox uses 32 bit ActiveX components

32/64 bitactivexMATLABsdf toolbox

I use DacExpress (an older program no longer marketed) to acquire data with VTI instruments. It stores data in their SDF (standard data format) file format. This is a format that was initially developed by HP and is also used by Agilent.
DacExpress has an accompanying toolbox to allow matlab to read these files. This SDF toolbox was written for 32 bit Windows using ActiveX components and has never been updated to 64 bit to my knowledge.
I now run 64 bit windows with 64 bit matlab. What is the best way to be able to use this toolbox. Thanks in advance.
Can I load 32 bit matlab in a 64 bit OS and expect the toolbox to run?
Do I need to run a 32 bit emulator in my 64 bit OS like WOW64 and run 32 bit matlab in that, or is that automatically done with 32 bit matlab loaded on a 64 bit OS?
Do I need to start with a fresh 32 bit OS and run everything in 32 bit mode?

Best Answer

The answer is that I downloaded 32 bit matlab into the 64 bit OS and the toolbox with ActiveX components ran fine.