MATLAB: Scrolling and choosing image to display on figure.

Image Processing Toolboxscrolling imagedisplay

Hi there, I have a bunch of images. After some processing, I want to display them. However there are a lot of them. So I want to do 2 things:
1) Be able to press forward and back arrows to change picture – to scroll them like in standard image viewer.
2) Have an edit window on my figure, where I can write a number of image to be displayed.
Is it possible to do? Tried to do it with
prompt='Choose your file or enter it';
str = input(prompt);
Don't like it as long as I have to switch between figure and command window of Matlab.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

How about these:
I haven't tried them but if their 3D images are actually just a collection of 2D images in a folder then they might meet your needs.
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