MATLAB: Scrollable text box for GUI with selectable/editable text


I am trying to create a scrollable GUI text box with selectable text. It seems that this can't be done using the standard Matlab uicontrols since text selection is disabled when scrolling is enabled. From other answers in this forum, I understand this has to be done in Java. I have had partial success using Yair Altman's excellent utilities "uicomponent" and "attachScrollPanelTo". By attaching a ScrollPanel to a JTextArea (demo code below), I nearly get what I need, but unfortunately I am only able to scroll through a limited range of the text. Is it possible to adjust the scroll limits so that the entire text can be seen? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
%create a random string
s = 'a':'z';
textString = ['start ' s(randi(26,1,10000)) ' end'];
%create figure
hFig = figure(1);
hFig.OuterPosition=[0 0 1 1];
%create panel
hPan = uipanel('FontSize',12,...
'Position',[0 0 1 1]);
pos = getpixelposition(hPan);
%create textarea
jTA = uicomponent('Parent',hPan,'style','javax.swing.jtextarea','tag','myObj',...
'BackgroundColor',[0.6 0.6 0.6],'Opaque',0,'LineWrap',1);
jTA.Font = java.awt.Font('Helvetica', java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 22); % font name, style, size
jTA.Foreground = java.awt.Color(1,1,1);
%attach scroll panel
hSP = attachScrollPanelTo(jTA);
%resize figure to reveal vertical scrollbar
hFig.OuterPosition=[0 0 1 0.5];

Best Answer

Your script generates a GUI that looks perfectly ok to me (fully scrollable & selectable) on my Win10, in both 18b and 20a.
You set the figure's OuterPosition to [0,0,1,.5], so the botttom part of the figure (with the horizontal scrollbar) is hidden beneath the Windows taskbar. But if you set the OuterPosition to be a bit higher (or if you simply drag the figure upward), you'll see the scrollbar.
In other words, I see nothing wrong.