MATLAB: Script to run a Matlab Script on the event of crash

crashMATLABparallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxscript

I run a matlab script (call it INIT.m) that takes care of parallel toolbox initialization and running original script. Now, sometimes, because of some unpredictable problem of data, parallel toolbox stops due to error in matlabpool job (possibly).
I would like to re-run INIT.m on the event of this kind of crash.
It can be another matlab script or may be a shell script/java code.
Any sort of help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
##### Update (Error statements as also given in the comments)
It gives following error message and stops (But do not exit)
MATLAB is exiting because of fatal error
??? Error using ==> parallel_function at 598
The session that parfor is using has shut down
It also says that
??? The client lost connection to lab 117.
This might be due to network problems, or the interactive matlabpool job might have errored
Environment : Linux

Best Answer

What about running a TIMER, which checks every second if all labs are still active?