MATLAB: Script is not working anymore


Hi all, I'm trying to run a script that I had used without problem in March 2011. The Matlab version is (R2009a). I get the following error message.
??? Error using ==> optimset at 143
No default options available for the function 'fsolve'.
Error in ==> implicit_burnup_v02 at 4
options = optimset('fsolve');
Did anything change recently as far as this function is concerned? I tried to look up for users with a similar problem but I have been unsuccessful so far.
Thank you, Alessandro

Best Answer

which fsolve C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox\optim\optim\fsolve.m
fsolve defaults ??? License checkout failed. License Manager Error -4 ...
I suspect something is wrong with my license then!!! Anyway I didn't get any warning about that when I started Matlab (!?)