MATLAB: Script for neural nertwork

biasneural networksweights

Hi, I am really new in matlab. 1.Can anyone provide me with a script to run ANN to predict using input and targets. 2. Also if the script can calculate bias and weights. 3. Using a transig 4.hidden layer with 6 neurons 5. Outputs giving mse and r values Also giving Ever other output that a neural network toolbox gives. Input 34*6 matrix Target 34*1 matrix It would be of great help. Thank you

Best Answer

The "N"umber of individual "I"-dimensional "I"nputs and corresponding "O"-dimensional "O"utput "t"argets are given by
x = input; size(x) = [ I N ]
t = target; size(t) = [ O N]
I have hundreds of posts in both the MATLAB NEWSGROUP (comp.soft-sys.matlab) and ANSWERS which estimate the maximum number of "H"idden nodes, H <= Hmax to avoid overtraining an overfit net by simply not overfitting.
Since only one hidden layer is sufficient, a straightforward search over random initial weights easily determines the minimum number of hidden nodes for a given performance. I use
mean-square-error(training set output) <= 0.01*mean( training set target variance)
(with the obvious assumption that the validation and test subsets have statistics similar to that of the training subset). In other words, I try to do 100 times better than assuming the output is a constant equal to the mean of the target.
Adding the search word "greg" tends to yield my most appropriate posts in most neural network topics.
Hope this helps
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