MATLAB: Scope of variables in a script and in local functions

functionslocal functionsMATLABscope of variables

Consider this very simple program written in a script:
a = 5;
b = 10;
d = difference();
function dif = difference()
dif = a - b;
When executed, this will immediately result in an exception saying Unrecognized function or variable 'a'.
This is where my question is. Why can't local functions read variables that are defiend outside it in the script? In the above example, I would want my function to have access to variables a and b. There are two ways to do this currently: either pass them as parameters or make them global. The latter of the two is not the way I prefer to code.
I have a habit of breaking my code into several local functions. This makes debugging easier and implements the benefits of modularity. (I don't want to make these functions global because their work is often limited to the script only and I do not want the command line to have access to them.) If I have several local functions requiring the same variables, I would want those functions to have access to the variables by default.
I know this is easy to achieve this in Java by declaring the variables in the scope of the class. Consider the following Java code:
public class Abc{
int a = 5;
double b = 10.236;
void function1(){
// <some code here>
void function2(){
// <some code here>
In the above example, methods function1 and function2 have access to variables a and b. Each of those functions can change the values of those variables, and that will get reflected across functions of the same object.
While Java and MATLAB are built for different purposes, I feel that this feature of Java should be implemented in MATLAB. When I declare some variables in a script outside the local functions, those variables should be available to the functions by default (without requiring me to pass them as parameters or make them global). In case a local function defines another variable with the same name as the one defined in the script, the variable in the script should be shadowed by the one in the function.

Best Answer

Mathworks only permits shared variables in the context of nested functions that are declared and given code inside of another function. In each case, the nesting function must completely enclose the nested function
function outer
variable = whatever
function inner
variable can be used here
The scope of visibility of variables is determined by lexical scope (which routines are textually nested)
When Mathworks implemented scripts with functions, they chose to not make the functions implicitly nested to the script. They could have done so, at the expense of redoing the lexical parser that determines scope to not have to rely on function/end pairs, and at the expense of having to redesign exactly what the nested workspaces hang off of, but in a way that was still compatible with the possibility that the script might be involved from another routine or might be invoked from the command line. This affects things like the manner in which the nested variables get cleared.
Because the outer layer is a script and scripts have access to variables in the caller, there would also be implications such as that if you did not assign to a in the script then if sharing of variables is to be assumed, it would have to share the a that was in the caller. Now what happens if you return a handle to the internal function and it is a routine that can read and write a. If another function with its own a invokes the same script then which a is the one that is shared?
The entire execution engine would have to be revamped from strict textual scoping (efficient and obvious as to meaning, usually) to having to worry about the possibility that some execution path on an invoked script created a shared variable reference.
Automatic sharing of variables in scripts is a mistake. And a Java class is not a script: your Java example is equivalent to using a full MATLAB function with nested functions. You should have used a Python example to get closer.
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