MATLAB: Scope in Simulink does not display waveform correctly


In Simulink I implement a very simple circuit with an AC voltage source (110kV,50Hz) in series with a Resistance R=1 Ohm and PowerGUI set to Discrete (Ts=5e-5s). I use also a "voltage measurement" block and a Scope to display the voltage waveform of the source. When I set the "Stop simulation time" to 0.2s the waveform is displayed from 0 to 0.2s as it was expected but when I set it to 0.4s it starts from around 0.15s (???). The same behavior occurs when I just use "Sine wave function" block with a Scope. There is something wrong with the scope because when I plot through the workspace everything is ok.
I would be grateful if somebody has a solution on this issue and could share it!
Regards, Michail

Best Answer

I suppose your sample time is very small, in the scope parameters-history uncheck limit data point to last