MATLAB: Scatterhist problem ‘color value must be a 3 element vector’


rng default % For reproducibility
p1 = pearsrnd(0,1,-1,4,1000,1);
p2 = pearsrnd(0,1,0.75,3,1000,1);
It gives me:
Error using
While setting the 'FaceColor' property of Histogram:
Color value must be a 3 element vector
Error in internal.stats.plotGroupedHist (line 130)
Error in
(line 299)
Xfunc = @()internal.stats.plotGroupedHist(x,grp,'NBins',xbin,...
Error in scatterhist (line 384)
WHY? How can I solve?

Best Answer

condor, you need to do one of the following:
  1. delete C:\Users\mauro\Desktop\MATLAB\MATLAB_Generale\PERIZIE\Anatocismo\OCR\lines.m -- which would probably interfere with using that software
  2. rename that file to something else -- which would probably interfere with using that software unless you edited all of the code in that package to use a different name
  3. use pathtool to move that OCR directory to below the Mathworks-supplied directories -- which would probably interfere with using that software
  4. use pathtool to remove the OCR directory for you MATLAB path -- this would require that you cd to that directory to run the software
  5. create a subdirectory named private in C:\Users\mauro\Desktop\MATLAB\MATLAB_Generale\PERIZIE\Anatocismo\OCR and move the lines.m file to that subdirectory. In theory that should allow that software to work without changing anything else