MATLAB: Scatter3 plot with intensity matrix


I am currently having problems 3D plotting a matrix of intesity values in MATLAB. The scatter3() funciton only takes x y and z vektors. The mesh() funciton works but I need a solution where only the measurement-points are displayed and no connecting lines or surfaces!
So essentially I need a funciton that can plot the points of a 2D-intensity-matrix or can atleast convert them into a x y z coordinate format.
I am positive there is an easy way to do this, I just can't remember…
Help is very much appreciated!
Cheers, Nils

Best Answer

The function I was looking for is prepareSurfaceData()
For my example it it was [xData, yData, zData] = prepareSurfaceData( 1:1280, 1:960, intensity_data );