MATLAB: Scatter3: How to change the size of a particular marker


Hi all,
I want to draw a scatter3 figure and add a point on top of it but make it bigger and filled with red.
Here's my code:
hold on;
scatter3(1stArray(:,1),1stArray(:,2),1stArray(:,3)); % draw scatter plot with all the points in the cell array
scatter3(x, y, z, 30); % I'm trying to make this point bigger by specifying the size to be 30, but it doesn't do anything.
Can I get some help?

Best Answer

This puzzled me for a bit -- until I read the documentation a bit more carefully.
For scatter3, the marker size specified is the area of the marker. (In other plot types such as the plot command, it is the width of the marker.)
The default marker area is 36 points squared, so you actually made it a bit smaller.
N = 50;
hold on
scatter3(0.5,0.5,0.5,3000) % I made your value a lot bigger