MATLAB: Scatter random points around polynom

scatter polynomial

I am trying to create random points around a defined polynomial.
The polynomial is created with defined points.
I have the polynom but I cannot creat the random points. Can someone please help me?
x_poly = [700 750 730 630 700 745 830 765 700];
y_poly = [0 266 570 780 1150 1300 1580 1880 2400];
%Create Polynom based on used point coordinates
t = (1:length(x_poly))';
Px = polyfit(t,x_poly,5);
Py = polyfit(t,y_poly,5);
ti = linspace(min(t),max(t));

Best Answer

Just managed to do it:
x_poly = [700 750 730 630 700 745 830 765 700];
y_poly = [0 266 570 780 1150 1300 1580 1880 2400];
t = (1:length(x_poly));
Px = polyfit(t,x_poly,7);
Py = polyfit(t,y_poly,7);
ti = linspace(min(t),max(t),600);