MATLAB: Scatter plot – Y-axis disaapears when points are colored

scattery axis

The following code removes the y-axis:
colors = [1 0 0
0 0.85 0.85;
0 0.7 0.7;
0 0.55 0.55;
0 0.4 0.4;
0 0.25 0.25];
X = [0.0054 0.0011 0.0018 0.0036 0.0099 0.0343];
Y = [0.3654 0.5813 0.4482 0.2458 0 0];
sizePoints = 100;
scatter(avgFPR, avgFNR, sizePoints, colors, 'fill');
The problem seems to be because of the colors: as I remove 'colors' y-axis appears again. How can I keep the colors and also the y-axis?
I am using Matlab R2012a (64-bit).

Best Answer

This is an OpenGL problem. Switch to renderer zbuffer. Or possibly switching to
opengl software
might work.