MATLAB: Scatter plot colour control of YTickLabel


I can control the colour of a Y axis but does anybody know how to control the colour of individual tick labels so that there are three different colours, one for each of the ticks to match my data which is plotted on the graph as red, green and blue:
axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1,...
'XTick',[-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6],...
'XColor',[0 0 0],...
'Position',[0.1907 0.8117 0.627394 0.0597],...
'YColor',[0 0 0]);

Best Answer

The control of tick colors is not related to the kind of plot you do.
The mechanisms supplied in MATLAB only have the YColor that you already found.
Beyond that, you need to draw the ticks yourself.