MATLAB: Scatter data interpolation of a column matrix

automotivecolumn matrixinterpolation

say I have two matrix
throttle =[ 1 2 3 4 5] ;
torque =[ 10 20 30 40 50
12 24 32 41 55
15 25 34 42 54
16 27 35 46 53
14 22 36 42 52
15 24 32 44 51] ;
I want to get throttle values at some specific torque position.
say the torque position points are [10.5;20.4;30.5;40.2;22.4;51.9]
How to do this with interpolation function, i am facing error during running the code

Best Answer

T = readtable('torque.xlsx','ReadV',0);
torquei = xlsread('torquei.xlsx');
throttle= [0 2.5 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 90 100];
T = T{:,:};
d = diff(T,1,2);
ad = cumsum(eps(1e3)*~[d,zeros(size(T,1),1)],2);
Tw = T + ad;
out = cellfun(@(x,y)interp1(x,throttle(:),y),num2cell(Tw',1),num2cell(torquei'));