MATLAB: Scatter 3D Plot with Varying Colors

3d plotscolormapdot notationjetMATLABplotscaledscatterscatter3

I need my Scatter plot to be color scaled: I've only had limited success with Scatter3(inputs), no luck with dot commands.
30x3 Matrix of Data
[ 1 2 0]
[ 2 3 9]
I tried creating a color scale as directed in help function, only the edge color changed.
c = [ 0 0 .1]
[ 0 0 .2]
Scatter3(,,,c) Doesn't work as directed.
Dot notation and paired variables only accepts scalar…
h = scatter3(x,y,z,100,'filled');
h.Marker = 'o';
h.MarkerEdgeColor = 'k'; //Won't take a matrix

Best Answer

When I modified the "Vary Marker Color" example from the scatter3 documentation page to add the 'filled' option to the scatter3 call, it worked as I expected.
If you show the code you wrote where you tried to create a color scale, we may be able to offer some guidance about why it didn't work as you expected and how to correct it.
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