MATLAB: Scaning a txt file

.txt files

I want to read specific data from several txt files (result from a AVL simulation ) and later plot that information into a table and a 3D graphic. The problem is that the information in the txt file is not "organized". I want to get the values of the Engine speed, the BMEP and BSFC. Attached is one of the 17 txt files. They are all the same, only the values change in function of the engine speed.

Best Answer

hello Carolina
this code will scan the file and search for the targeted variables
you can expand (add more variables) if you wish
it will retrieve associated numerical data , whatever the dimensions (width) of the data
hope it helps
Filename = 'Case_1.txt';
fid = fopen(Filename);
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
if contains(tline,'Engine Speed :')
tmp = strtrim(regexp(tline, '\s+', 'split')); %split by spaces

dd = regexp(tmp,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts only inside the cell (in case of mix with text)

str_temp = strjoin( cat(2,dd{:}), ',') ; % Transform a cell array of cell arrays into string / delimiter = blank or comma

Engine_Speed = str2num(str_temp); % convert string to num

if contains(tline,'BMEP [bar]')
tmp = strtrim(regexp(tline, '\s+', 'split')); %split by spaces
dd = regexp(tmp,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts only inside the cell (in case of mix with text)
str_temp = strjoin( cat(2,dd{:}), ',') ; % Transform a cell array of cell arrays into string / delimiter = blank or comma
BMEP = str2num(str_temp); % convert string to num
if contains(tline,'BSFC [g/kWh]')
tmp = strtrim(regexp(tline, '\s+', 'split')); %split by spaces
dd = regexp(tmp,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts only inside the cell (in case of mix with text)
str_temp = strjoin( cat(2,dd{:}), ',') ; % Transform a cell array of cell arrays into string / delimiter = blank or comma
BSFC = str2num(str_temp); % convert string to num
tline = fgetl(fid);