MATLAB: Scaling y-axis

MATLABscale y-axis

Could anyone Re-scale the y-axis so the first plot '' plot(data1(:,1),data1(:,2),'r–o')'' on line 3 can appear better on the graph?
data1=[300 3.257e-06 9.375e-05; 380 2.543e-06 3.556e-04;400 9.655e-06 1.743e-03;450 3.119e-06 9.897e-05;...
500 3.257e-06 2.115e-03;540 9.611e-06 3.450e-04;560 2.512e-06 1.345e-03;600 5.164e-05 1.666e-04];
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hold off

Best Answer

Could anyone Re-scale the y-axis so the first plot '' plot(data1(:,1),data1(:,2),'r--o')'' on line 3 can appear better on the graph?
twoset=[300 3.257e-06; 380 2.543e-06;400 9.655e-06;450 3.119e-06;500 3.257e-06;540 9.611e-06;560 2.512e-06;600 5.164e-05];
oneset=[300 9.375e-05; 380 3.556e-04;400 1.743e-03;450 9.897e-05;500 2.115e-03;540 3.450e-04;560 1.345e-03;600 1.666e-04];
hold on
hold off