MATLAB: Scaling pcolor graphics on subplots


I'm trying to subplot (by collumns) a bar, a pcolor, 8 pcolors, one plot. Problem is: the matrixes for the 8 pcolors are being plotted way to small. I'd like to make them bigger, filling the whole "cell" of the subplot (I'm getting something like I tenth of it!).
My code goes something like this:
cmap = [1 0 0;0.5,0.5,0.5;0,0,1];
A = ones(1,10) * 5;
B = zeros(50);
for a = 1:10
diagonal = [ones(1,a-1) zeros(1,10-a+1)];
C{a} = diag(diagonal, 0);
D_base = [10 10 9 8 7 5 3 2 1 0];
for a = 1:10
D{a} = D_base + rand(1,10);
% Plotting functions
x = [1 2 9 10 17 18 25 26];
%%First block plotting
subplot(4,8,[1 26]), bar(A)
xlim([0.3 10.8])
ylim([0 13])
%%Second block plotting
y = [x(1)+2 x(8)+2]; %Defining positions

h = subplot(4,8,y), pcolor(B) ;
xlim([1 length(B)]); % Limits X-axis
ylim([1 length(B)]); % Limits Y-axis
axis off;
caxis([-1 1])
axis ij;
set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'Color', [0.166 0 0]);
%%Third block plot
x = x + 4; %Defining positions
for a = 1:8 % I know I'm not plotting the whole thing
h = subplot(4,8,x(a)), pcolor(C{a}) ;
xlim([1 length(B)]);
ylim([1 length(B)]);
axis off;
caxis([-1 1])
axis ij;
set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'Color', [a*0.1 0 0]);
%%Fourth block plotting
x = [7 32]; % Defining positions
% Collor defining
cmap = zeros(8,3);
cmap(1) = 0.3;
aux = [0.1 0 0];
for a = 2:8
cmap(a,:) = cmap(a-1,:) + aux;
for a = 1:8
subplot(4,8,x), plot(D{a},'Color',cmap(a,:))
hold on
Any ideas on how to make the C subplots larger?

Best Answer

If you comment out the following two lines in the "Third block plot". The figure is about right.
xlim([1 length(B)]);
ylim([1 length(B)]);