MATLAB: Scales at continuous WT and wcoher


Hello, I still cant quite understand what scales should I choose to examine my signal. Lets say sampling frequency of my signal is 2048Hz and I want to analyze frequencies "pseudofrequencies" rom 1Hz to 60Hz. What scales should I use? According to scal2freq function it would be 16:1048 a but according to Matlab tutorial it is:
dt = 1/2048;
NumVoices = 32;
a0 = 2^(1/NumVoices);
wavCenterFreq = 5/(2*pi);
minfreq = 20;
maxfreq = 500;
minscale = wavCenterFreq/(maxfreq*dt);
maxscale = wavCenterFreq/(minfreq*dt);
minscale = floor(NumVoices*log2(minscale));
maxscale = ceil(NumVoices*log2(maxscale));
scales = a0.^(minscale:maxscale).*dt;
And that gives completly different results. Thank you for help!

Best Answer

Its the same. Error was in that in the second case scales must be devided by dt.