MATLAB: Scaled Otsu Binarization or Normalized

image processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationthreshold

I have binarized an image using graythresh, I want to know by using graythresh, dividing and multiplying the original values by maximum values, is this binarization method called scaled or normalized Otsu.
im = imread('flower.jpg');
max_level = double(max(im(:)));
min_level = double(min(im(:)));
lev = graythresh(double(im)/max_level) * max_level;
bw = (im>=lev);

Best Answer

By dividing your original image by the max, you're just normalising the image to the range [0 1]. This has nothing to do with Otsu's method.
That you then scale the level returned by graythresh to the range of your image is normal procedure. This is just plain Otsu thresholding.
So what you've done is threshold a normalised image using Otsu's method. There's no special name for this.