MATLAB: Scale problem when importing an .stl file with addVisual for adding a mesh corresponding to a rigidBody

addbodyaddvisualgeometryrigidbodyrigidbody visualrobot creationRobotics System Toolboxstl file reading

kin = loadrobot('kinovaJacoJ2S6S300');
dhparams = [0 pi/2 0.290 0];
bodyTest= rigidBody('bodyTest');
jointTest= rigidBodyJoint('jointTest','revolute');
I imported a robot from an existing library, removed some bodies and then I added a new rigidBody (bodyTest) to the rigidBodyTree (kin), all of this worked fine. But I also want to add a visual for this bodyTest in the form of arm.stl. The addVisual function works but there's a units problem, Matlab reads the [mm] values of the stl file as [m] values.
I looked at multiple topics on this problem but none of them offered a real answer for me. I can't use another stl file reader besides addVisual as it is the only function (I think) that specifies the stl file as being the geometrical representation of a rigidBody object.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

My problem was kind of solved but outside of Matlab so it makes it work but others could still have the same problem.
From my CAD software Inventor, I was able to generate the stl files of my piece my choosing a meter unit which solves the issue.
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