MATLAB: Saving variables after every iteration.

for loopimage processingsurf

hello. im doing my diploma project, and i dont know what do. i spent few hours to get the solution, but have no idea how to solve it. the last line of my code save the last iteration and i understand why. the problem is how to save every iteration.
numImages = numel(sciezka(1).Files) %tu wyciaga ile jest zdjec w folderze
for i = 1:numImages
C=(readimage(sciezka,i)); %wczytujesz fote
punktydlastania=selectStrongest(vektorekpunkciki, 20)
trainingFeatures = extractFeatures(C, punktydlastania);

Best Answer

That line
makes no sense at all. It stores numImages value in tabela , but for image i, it stores the 1st point of the ith feature vector and nothing else. I suspect you wanted either:
tabela = zeros(20, 64, numImages); %store feature vectors as 3d matrix.
for i = 1:numimages

tabela(:, :, i) = trainingFeatures;
You then get the feature vector for a given image with
tabela(:, :, imagenumber)
Or you can use
tabela = cell(1, numImages);
for i = 1:numimages
tabela{i} = trainingFeatures;
You then get the feature vector for a given image with
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