MATLAB: Saving Tiffs from cell array using imwrite in a loop


I am new to matlab and can't figure this out. I have got code set up to split up my large tiff files into sub sections which are contained within a cell array (ca). I can write these files out individually using:
imwrite((ca{1:1}), 's1.tiff', 'compression','none')
but what i want to do is write all the tiffs from the cell array with sequesntial names (s1, s2, s3, etc)

Best Answer

for k = 1:numel(ca)
imwrite(ca{k}, sprintf('s%d.tiff', k), 'compression', 'none');
Prefer a naming scheme like s0001.tiff instead, then using dir replies the files in the original order:
sprintf('s%04d.tiff', k)