MATLAB: Saving the image names and bounding box coordinates in different file formats

image processingImage Processing Toolbox

I've written a Matlab code to crop an image with respect to a mask.
function Crop_Img = Crop_Xray(Img,Mask)
% Find borders
vertical_profile = sum(Mask,2);
horizontal_profile = sum(Mask);
indexes = find(vertical_profile >0);
upper = indexes(1);
lower = indexes(end);
indexes = find(horizontal_profile > 0);
left = indexes(1);
right = indexes(end);
% Crop Img
Crop_Img = Img(upper:lower, left:right);
I would like to save the individual image file names (*.png) and their respective bounding box coordinates (upper:lower, left:right) to a .csv, .txt, and .mat file. How should I do that?

Best Answer

Try this:
save('Crop_Img.mat', 'upper', 'lower', 'left', 'right');
imwrite(Crop_Img, 'Crop_Img.png');
Change the filename if you want.