MATLAB: Saving Table to a png File


How would you go about saving a table to a .png file format (or any other image format, for that matter)?
Thank you!

Best Answer

I would store the data in a uitable and capture the image of that, or I would represent it using HTML and render that and capture the image of the result. In some cases I would use TeX or LaTeX to generate the layout.
Remember, data tables are abstract binary entities, whereas for PNG or other image formats you need to have decided upon font, and spacing, and number of digits, and shading, and rules (vertical and horizontal lines), and headers, and justification of columns, and colors, and whether you want to do subscripting and superscripting, and maybe even hypthenation strategies (if a field contains a string that need to be wrapped into multiple lines.) It gets so complicated that the rules for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) need 6 international standards to cover all of the possibilities, but only one international standard for HTML itself.